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Volunteer With Us

Join us to do community service!


We are setting up the next volunteering event, to stay updated please follow our socials!


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! We appreciate your commitment to community service and passion in helping various causes. For the safety and health of our members, we will be hosting both in person and virtual volunteer events throughout the Quarter. Please join us in our general meetings for further information regarding our volunteer events! You also have the opportunity to participate individually through some resources provided below!


Please see below for information on some virtual volunteering opportunities. 

Virtual Community Service


*Account required to track your progress.

*Option 1: Freerice. Answer questions and donate rice! This online trivia platform donates rice to impoverished nations around the world for every question you answer correctly in a variety of categories, including geography, math, foreign languages, and more! Earn 100 grains of rice to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

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Option 2 Smile Card. With the stay at home and shelter in place orders all over the nation, the visitors to the senior centers and hospitals have been limited and the seniors feel lonely and isolated. Make a card, letter, poem, or any other piece of artwork and email them to, where they will be distributed to patients at senior shelters and hospitals! Make three cards to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

*Option 3: Distributed Proofreaders. Distributed Proofreaders facilitates the conversion of Public Domain books into e-books in the larger effort of Project Gutenberg, which helps make books free and accessible around the world. Proofread 10 pages to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

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*Option 4: Smithsonian Transcription. The Smithsonian Transcription Center seeks to engage the public in making their collections more accessible. Digital volunteers transcribe historic documents and collection records in many different projects, so click around and get involved with one that interests you! Transcribe or review 5 pages to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

*Option 5: Zooniverse. The Zooniverse is the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research. Explore a variety of different projects in fields ranging from arts and history to science and nature! Complete 25 classifications to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

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Option 6: Happy Hope Factory. The Message of Hope Foundation’s mission is to spread messages of hope, resiliency, and happiness for children hospitalized with special needs or chronic, life-threatening illnesses. Pick up a book, record yourself reading it, then share it using the instructions on their website to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

*Option 7: Sign petitions on or for causes you care about! Note: since our theme this quarter is Climate Change, we encourage you to sign petitions relating to this topic! Sign 3 petitions and submit screenshots of proof of signature to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.

Option 8: Show your support for housing affordability by emailing your Congressman, spreading the word on social media, or both! Habitat for Humanity has pre-made letters and graphics that make it easy to advocate for affordable housing and make a real impact. Send an email and share a graphic on social media to count this volunteer activity toward your membership points.


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